Saturday, February 22, 2014

Amplify Archives in Austin! : TAVP in the classroom

Amplify Austin 2014 is a 24 hour online fundraiser for Austin-area nonprofits.
TAVP will celebrate Amplify by amplifying our archive with a panel and reception.

Join TAVP for the launch at 5:30pm March 20 at our reception at HRDI
Amplify archives!

Amplify Archives: TAVP in the classroom
A reception and panel discussion, March 20, 2014
Save the date!

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014 (to coincide with launch of Amplify Austin)
Time: 5:30 - 7:30pm
Panel: TAVP in the classroom 
Place: HRDI in the Benson Libraries (Benson Conference Room, SRH 1.208)
(Benson is located at 2300 Red River, at the intersection of Red River and Manor)

Sending TAVP oral histories into the classroom amplifies our archive! TAVP will celebrate the launch of Amplify Austin 2014 by hosting a reception and a panel discussion on the uses of the TAVP archive in the classroom. The event will be held at the Human Rights Documentation Initiative at University of Texas at Austin. 

Come learn about, support and amplify human rights archives in your backyard.  For more details, click the "read more" link now.

Visit the TAVP page at Amplify Austin (even if you can't make it to the event, you can donate at the TAVP page at the Amplify Austin website)

An oral history archive is meant to be seen and heard; watched and listened to; sifted through and engaged with. TAVP's oral history archive of the death penalty is a unique resource for educators around Texas as well as the rest of the world. How can we ensure that these invaluable voices circulate in educational spaces, and once they are there, how are they best incorporated into curricula and lesson plans? Over the past 5 years, TAVP materials have been integrated into a range of courses, and as we develop digital tools and build partnerships, our reach is extending. To celebrate the launch of Amplify Austin 2014, TAVP will host a reception and panel to celebrate TAVP in the classroom today and imagine TAVP in the classroom tomorrow. Amplify archives!

Panelists will include human rights archivist T-Kay Sangwand, UT faculty members Naomi Paik and Charlotte Nunes, and current TAVP interns from the Archives and Education strand of the Human Rights & Archives Working Group led by Dr. Nunes.

T-Kay Sangwand, human rights archivist at UT-Austin, has worked closely with TAVP since 2009, assisting in conceptualizing and coordinating TAVP's digital archive protocols.

Dr. Naomi Paik integrated TAVP oral histories into her Spring 2012 course Race, Memory, and Violence, offered through UT's American Studies program.

Dr. Charlotte Nunes, the co-chair of the Human Rights and Archives Working Group, is currently collaborating with TAVP to offer UT undergraduate interns a meaningful experience learning about archives by building them.